Forecast for May 9, 2019
Withing the last week, there were 8 CME's but none of them were Earth-directed. However the CME observed on May 6 may have an impact on...

Nowcast for May 9, 2019
AR12740 were strong for the last few days but since it has started to lose its strength, the strongest flare was a C6.9 which peaked at...

SW Alerts for May 2, 2019
All parameters were below their thresholds, so no alert was issued within the past 24 hours. Forecaster: Ezgi Gülay Undergraduate Student...

What should we expect? Let's have a look at the forecast!
Two CME's were observed on May 1st, but according to Stereo-A and SOHO observations, none of them were Earth-directed. The source...

We are back! Let's start with a nowcast!
There are no active regions and sunspots on the Sun today. Solar activity is at low levels. Within the past 24 hours: solar wind speed...