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Data & Instrumentation

Upper Atmosphere and Space Weather Lab specializes in the development of spacecraft instrumentation (particle detectors-refer to this link for more detail) as well as the setup and operations of measurement systems on the ground. Ground operations include the investigation of upper atmospheric (ionospheric level) changes over Istanbul using ionosonde and SID antenna systems. Additionally, a magnetotelluric station at Bozcaada is being operated for the purpose of determining and monitoring mid-latitude Geomagnetically Induced Currents (GIC)s.  Sunspots are also regularly tracked via the solarscope if the weather permits. Telescope aided observation of sunspots are currently under way. 

Istanbul Ionosonde

Istanbul SID monitors

Bozcaada MT station

Dynasonde is an advanced technique of ionospheric radio sounding, the only existing one that fully implements the phase-based methods of radio measurements. The dynasonde setup at the Ionospheric Observatory of the Istanbul Technical University is a continuously operating complex of the newest Scion HF Radar ("VIPIR") and the data processing software Dynasonde Software Suite 2012 including its 3-D plasma density inversion procedure NeXtYZ.
Daily Ionosonde Plots
The SID Space Weather Monitor program is an education project to build and distribute inexpensive ionospheric monitors to students around the world carried out by Stanford SOLAR Center. The monitors detect solar flares and other ionospheric disturbances. Two versions of the monitor exist - the original SID instruments, and a new, lower-cost SuperSID. The SID monitors at ITU have been operational since 2012 and are of the SuperSID version.
Daily SID plots: ITU Web Page
SID Stanford Web Page
LEMI-417M digital seven-component magnetotelluric station (MTS) (three magnetic + four electric channels) is intended for the measurement of natural magnetic and electric field components and their variations in laboratory and field conditions. The system is a product of the LVIV Centre of Institute for Space Weather Research. The permanent system is located at Bozcaada (GEO: 39.5N, 26.02E), Turkey while the second system is used to take temporary measurements during campaigns.
Daily MT plots: ITU Web Page
LEMI 417 LVIV Web Page
Sunspot Observations using Meade ETX-LS telescope and Solarscope


UASWLab has recently started sunspot observations via a solarscope and a telescope equipped with a white light filter. You can reach to the daily sunspot images and observer comments from the link below:


Sunspot Observations


We additionally carry out sunspot observations once every year. The observations are mainly for educational purposes, but are also open to public participation. You can refer to the gallery to have a look at the previous sunspot watch activities. (2017 2016 2015)





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Ä°TÜ Ayazaga Campus.

Faculty of Aeronautics and Astronautics. Department of Meteorological Engineering.

Upper Atmosphere and Space Weather Lab.

R : 320 - 322  Maslak-Istanbul-TURKEY


Tel:  +90-212-285-73-55                       e-mail:

Fax: +90-212-285-31-29    Office Hours:      Mon-Fri: 9am-5pm

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