CubeSat Solar Sailcraft Design for Plasma Measurements at Magnetosheath and Polar Cusp Regions: PolarBeeSail

The solar sailing spacecraft (or solar sailcraft) concept gives an opportunity for engineers to overcome the limitation of propellant usage in a miniaturized satellite. By only using sunlight, a sailcraft has more place for payload according to a same sized sattelite using propellant utilization-based propulsion unit, meaning the costs are decreasing for the same mission.
TÜBİTAK founded project has initiated in September 2014 and lasted a year with the first results. It aims to design a solar sail driven nanosatellite for polar orbit of the Earth in order to investigate the near Earth magnetospheric regions, especially the polar cusp. Onboard plasma instrument design, satellite environment definition and the radiation interaction with the satellite topics were also held within the project timeline. A plasma instrument to demonstrate particle measurements and conceptual design of a solar sail deployment mechanism built up.
In this project, numerous subtopics are studied and these studies are introduced with their first results below. 7 subtopics in the project are called as;
Scientific Mission 1: Definition of the Magnetospheric Space Environment Properties
Nanosatellite Design
Space Environment Effects on Mission Orbit
Research & Design of a Compatible Solar Sail
Solar Sail and Deployment Mechanism Prototype Manufacture
Scientific Mission 2: Plasma Instrument Literature Research for Design Purposes
Design, Manufacture and Test of a Compatible Plasma Instrument
Scroll down for the first results

Definition of the Magnetospheric Space Environment Properties
In this subtopic, the investigation of the magnetosphere using MHD models in order to understand the environment behavior in terms of particle density and magnetic field is aimed. The study is conducted for a miniaturized satellite having scientific instruments and in an elliptical HEO (respectively 4 to 20 mean radius of Earth for perigee and apogee).
Magnetosphere modelling is constructed by physical derivations, simulations and satellite in-situ data. Community Coordinated Modeling Center (CCMC) of NASA is publicly available website that contains models of magnetosphere, its regions and solar wind region as well as the Sun observations. By using formerly run models or ordering a model run, one can obtain magnetospheric environment models from the platform. In our project, we used BATS-R-US model to investigate magnetosphere and its regions according to the solar quiet and active event epochs.
Solar quiet and active events are respectively selected as 4 hours starting from the 7:00 AM on 19th August 2001 and from 1:00 to 11:55 pm in 29th October 2003 (Halloween Storm) from the run of Tony_Mannucci_032408_1 by Tony Mannuci.
Showing the magnetosphere in XZ and YZ cut planes at Y=0 and X=0, respectively, according to the solar quiet and active event epochs was the main result of this subtopic. In this part, planetary magnetospheric storm indices (Dst, Kp and AE) were also investigated to show activity levels.

Research & Design of a Compatible Solar Sail
4 m x 4 m solar sail is the main driver of the PBS propulsion subsystem. In this part, the solar sailing concept was introduced and compared with other propulsion mechanisms; moreover, the solar sail geometry was designed for our particular mission.
Solar sails use the momentum of the incoming and reflecting solar photons. Photons create a solar radiation pressure (SRP) on the membranes and that pressure is resulted in thrust. Wide membranes are needed in order to reach up to the reasonable thrust levels in terms of the solar radiation pressure force (SRPF). Although the wide area triggers the photon resourced thrust, it may create a drag force that can overcome the thrust and de-orbit the sailcraft. We have selected the PBS orbit as the SRPF is dominant comparing with the drag force. Using the density models in SPENVIS, expected average density data of PBS orbit was obtained and the drag force was calculated. Results were showing the SRPF had been more dominant in the orbit.
Magnetosail is another sailing concept that imitates the planetary magnetospheres and aims to create artificial magnetospheres around the spacecraft for both protection and thrust. Lorentz force resulted in the solar wind-artificial magnetosphere coupling is also creates very small thrust levels and still not feasible as much as solar sails, currently. With the information provided for other nanosatellite propellant triggered propulsion techniques, FOM analysis was conducted and the solar sailing was proved to be most reasonable propulsion selection for PBS mission.
Solar sail materials are selected according to the literature research we have conducted. Membranes having 7 µm thickness is going to be constructed by Aluminum covered by one side with Chromium. The boom material was selected as flexible CFRP, and the deployment architecture was mainly made from Aluminum, as well.

Nanosatellite Design
CubeSat standardization is creative and effective solution to prepare the more feasible operational satellites. Using the advantage of CubeSats, PolarBeeSail (PBS) design is derived. 4U array nanosatellite carries a square solar sail as the main propulsion unit. 4 m x 4 m solar sail providing the satellite small but reasonable thrust levels to maintain its orbital position. The mission is planned to continue at least one solar cycle, which is 11 years, to address the environmental changes resulting from the solar disturbances during its long mission life in space.
1.3U part of the design contains the solar sail and its deployment mechanism. Remaining sections contain housekeeping and scientific instruments. Besides the COTS CubeSat bus subsystems, a laser communication unit was proposed as the satellite in HEO. Attitude determination system was provided by a star tracker and the control of sailcraft body was held by a reaction wheel unit and the solar sail, itself. Through the normal axis, PBS has a spin-stabilized attitude. Using this characteristics, plasma measurements will be conducted in 3D.
Orbit of PBS had been initially decided to be an elliptical HEO, therefore the design needs were defined considering this orbit. The orbital parameters were utilized in STK and solar eclipse time of the orbit was defined since the solar illumination is a crucial part of the solar sail design. It's found out that the illumination for 11 year mission is only blocked for approximately 1.5 hours. Ground station was chosen to be Istanbul Technical University.

Solar Sail and Deployment Mechanism Prototype Manufacture
To design the sail unfurling mechanism is a difficult task considering the different furling types of the sail membranes. We have investigated the possible and common 5 different furling types and selected the most reliable design for stacking into the deployment mechanism. Controllability of the solar sail mechanism had been searched and controlled mechanism was proved to be more reliable since with this technology back-and-forth vibrations caused by unfurling flexible booms were minimized.
"Origami" inspired folding patterns were investigated in an article for CubeSail design according to their propulsion providing efficiencies. The more creasing line a membrane had, the less SRPF was obtained. Therefore, the selected design was not only efficient to use in space, but also easy to calculate creasing line positions and hence the stuffed volume estimation. In the nutshell, the most efficient parallel folded furling technique was chosen. Unfurling mechanism was drawn as a solid CAD model in CATIA and blueprints are constructed for manufacturing. A step motor and other electronics that can be found COTS were bought and controlled unfurling mechanism was completed when the architecture manufacture had been done. Supporting table was made up from a stiff wood material in the workshop of the FAA of ITU. With the help of our professor from Material Science Engineering Faculty, Dr. Özgül Keleş, ASAŞ became another sponsor of our project and manufactured the base material of the design from Aluminum. The minimal parts at the top are 3D printed in SSTDL of ITU using a hardened transparent polymer material. A very thin Aluminum was also provided by ASAŞ and it's used to manufacture sail membranes.
The constructed unfurling mechanism was the first solar sailing test in Turkey although it's completed unsuccessfully. With the help of the experience we obtained from this project and further assistance, we aim to continue solar sail tests in the future.

Space Environment Effects on Mission Orbit
Space Environment Effects is another topic studied with UASWL in ITU. Therefore, the environmental effects on satellites are included in the project. Space environment effects can be caused from radiation, neutral, plasma and particulate environments. The effects are numerous but the most common and hazardous ones are count as: radiation degradation (total ionization dose [TID]), displacement effect, secondary particle occurrence, charging phenomena ...etc. Hence, the radiation effects have become the main interest and the analyses have initiated from this area.
Polar cusp and radiation belts are the main interest of the PBS mission. While polar cusps have high energetic particles to the earthward direction, the radiation belts consist of trapped electrons, protons and ions. Orbit of PBS crosses through the outer radiation belt that is specialized to have more electron than protons in density. Radiation environment models AE-8 and AE-9 (for electrons), and AP-8 and AP-9 (for protons) are used in Space Environment Information System (SPENVIS) web tools.
Using trapped particle environment modelling; radiation dosage estimation and shielding thickness analyses for an 11-year PBS mission, descriptive graphs were obtained. TID of PBS was calculated and different shielding material effects on protection were discussed. Therefore, at least 3 mm of Aluminum thickness was decided to be the shielding thickness for the main bus material and sensors need to be shut down crossing the radiation belts for prolonging their lifetimes.

Plasma Instrument Literature Research for Design Purposes
During PBS project the energy distribution of charged particles of the local environment, the three-dimensional velocity distribution and the bulk flow velocity of plasma are some of the properties that we were interested in. Plasma analyzers for space weather studies have evolved in order to improve their velocity space coverage and temporal resolution. To measure the properties of space plasmas, the instruments have been utilized several different plasma analyzer designs, and we are concentrating on analyzers that utilize various configurations of electric fields to select a certain range of particle energies, angles and species.
Electric fields can be used for analysis of charged particles as well as magnetic fields; however, electrostatic analyzers (ESAs) have been used in most of the space experiments due to the smaller mass with similar performance. In addition, these measurements are often made in the presence of background that UV and other radiation sources.
Various plasma analyzers are investigated for this research such as retarding potential analyzer, cylindrically curved plate ESA, spherical sector analyzer, top hat analyzer and particle telescopes. A plasma analyzer with energetic neutral atom imaging capability was required for PBS mission. Therefore, a particle telescope has been chosen as the proper design.
Design, Manufacture and Test of a Compatible Plasma Instrument
Particle telescope consists of a collimator, an electrostatic deflector, an attenuator mechanism, a detector, signal processing electronics and structures for mounting on a CubeSat chassis. A genetic algorithm is written with a particle trajectory-tracing program as well as particle population creation code. The results are evaluated according to production capabilities, the geometric factor and sensors’ sensitivity to other radiation sources.

During the tests, these noise sources are observed in the results. First of all, the thermal noise was easily seen in data after 30 seconds with CMOS sensor. A dark environment without any radiation and visible light sources as well as other electromagnetic noise sources was required to measure thermal noise. The test environment was covered with Cu plates and foils in order to reflect EM sources from outside, and the environment did not contain any light sources. A heavy ion source and a COTS CMOS sensor were used in a shielded environment, and the results pointed out that an incidence on a pixel creates secondary electrons which excite the neighbor pixels. Therefore, a clustering code added to find the sum of the deposited energy from the ions. Also, the code determines the thermal noise level and the energy threshold to sense an event on the detector. Besides other radiation sources, leaky circuits and heat from electronics can cause noise. Even though the power consumption of the electronics is really low, it was enough to heat up the sensor.
Also, a simple observation pointed out single-pixel outbursts occurs time to time, and most of them are near the edge pixels. Therefore, we focused on the central pixels in this work. This noise source could be detected and surpassed; however, for the sake of the real-time application, the computational complexity was limited in a certain extent.
Reading the chip faster resulted in less noise. There are some advantages of pixelated sensors such as high flux cope capability, high spatial resolution, possibility to identification of particles (cluster identification), and requiring low operation frequency. The results showed that more complex methods decrease the sampling frequency because of computation period. Real-time measurement efficiency increases with the sampling frequency in our primary tests as expected. Further tests will continue in a vacuum chamber under different conditions, and the optimization results will be improved according to these tests.
Special thanks to the supporting institutes and facilities:

Aluminium Factory Co. - ASAŞ
Partial Sponsor

Turkish Scientific and Technological Council
Main Sponsor

Space Systems Test and Design Laboratory of ITU
Facility Support
Simulation results have been provided by the Community Coordinated Modeling Center at Goddard Space Flight Center through their public Runs on Request system (http://ccmc.gsfc.nasa.gov). The CCMC is a multi-agency partnership between NASA, AFMC, AFOSR, AFRL, AFWA, NOAA, NSF and ONR. The SWMF/BATS-R-US with RCM Model was developed by the Tamas Gombosi et al., Richard Wolf et al., Stanislav Sazykin et al., Gabor Toth et al. at the CSEM.
Radiation analysis results have been provided by the Space Environment Information System through their public Runs system (https://www.spenvis.oma.be/). The SPENVIS is ESA's Space Environment Information System, a WWW interface to models of the space environment and its effects, including the cosmic rays, natural radiation belts, solar energetic particles, plasmas, gases, and "micro-particles".


CAD is constructed via SolidWorks.

Designed plasma instrument prototype next to 3U CubeSat structure. CAD is constructed via SolidWorks.

CAD is constructed via SolidWorks.