Research & Group Members
ITU UASWLab conducts research via two main branches:
Space Weather Instrumentation and Forecast Lab (SWIFT) and
Space Weather Operations, Research and Data Processing Center (SWORDpro).
Labs are open during the week from 9am to 5pm.

E. C. KalafatoÄŸlu Eyigüler
Geomagnetic Activity, Magnetosphere-Ionosphere-Thermosphere coupling, SID, Forecast, Web admin.
Web site: Click

Ä°klim Gençtürk Akay
Magnetosphere at Lunar Distances, Tail Magnetopause
Web site: Click

Ezgi Gülay
MSc student
Geomagnetic field, Geomagnetic disturbances, SID, Forecast

Previous Members
*WIL: While in the Lab.

Altansuvd Bold
MSc student
WIL: Particle tracing, MHD, Energetic particles
Currently: Working in another field in Ukraine

AyÅŸegül Ceren Moral
PhD candidate
WIL: Ionosphere-Gravity Waves, Ionosonde Operations, Dayside Magnetopause, Plasma Depletion Layer
Currently: PhD candidate at the Nagoya University

Bute Naz ErbaÅŸ
MSc student
WIL: SW forecast, Ionosonde operations, TEC
Currently: Aerospace Industry

DoÄŸa Can Su Öztürk
MSc student
WIL: The Sun-CMEs, Coronal heating, Magnetic reconnection around heliosphere
Currently: Obtained PhD from the University of Michigan, USA.

Filiz Türk KatırcıoÄŸlu
PhD, Researcher, Lecturer
Dayside Magnetopause, Magnetosheath, Bow Shock, Energetic Particles

Funda ErsavaÅŸ
WIL: Plasma Depletion Layer, Dayside Magnetopause
Currently: Working in aerospace industries

Furkan Ali Küçük
MSc student
WIL: Telescope operations
Currently: Aerospace Industry

Necmi Cihan Örger
PhD student
WIL: Particle Measurement, CubeSat Instrumentation, Solar Sail, Space Robotics, Lunar Environment
Currently: Obtained PhD from the Kyushu Institute of Technology

YiÄŸit Çay
MSc student
WIL: Solar Sail, SE Effects on Spacecraft, Polar Cusp, Space Environment Radiation Analysis, CubeSat Instrumentation
Currently: Pursuing PhD at the Kyushu Institute of Technology