Research Interests
Space weather forecasting and tools
Space plasma measurements and instrumentation
Remote sensing and in-situ measurements of the Sun
Magnetosphere-Ionosphere interactions
Magnetospheric MHD models
Ionospheric Joule heating
Geomagnetic storms and substorms
Interplanetary coronal mass ejections
High speed solar streams
​Atmospheric Sciences, Istanbul Technical University (ITU), TURKEY
​Meteorological Engineering, Istanbul Technical University (ITU), TURKEY(2016-2020)
​Double Major
Astronautical Engineering, Istanbul Technical University (ITU), TURKEY(2017-2018)

Contributed Publications in Conference Proceedings
P. Erdemir, Z. Kaymaz, E. C. Kalafatoglu Eyiguler & L. Rastaetter, ‘Investigation of CME and HSS driven Joule heating during high geomagnetic activity using BATS-R-US MHD model’, XVIIth Hvar Astrophysical Colloquium, September 20-24, 2021, Hvar, Croatia. (Poster contribution, p.47). https://oh.geof.unizg.hr/images/meetings/XVII-HAC/xvii-hac-abstract-book.pdf
P. Erdemir, Z. Kaymaz, E. C. Kalafatoglu Eyiguler & L. Rastaetter, ‘Model comparisons of CME and HSS driven Joule heating’, 3rd Joint Scientific IAGA-IASPEI Assembly 2021, August 21-27, 2021, Hyderabad, India.(Oral and Poster contribution, p.370)
http://iaga-iaspei-india2021.in/NGRI_IAGA%20IASPEI%202021%20(Final)_13%20Sep%202021.pdf -
P. Erdemir, Z. Kaymaz, E. C. Kalafatoglu Eyiguler & L. Rastaetter, ‘A comparison of upper atmospheric Joule heating resulting from CMEs and HSSs using SWMF/BATS-R-US model’, The 3rd ISEE Symposium PWING-ERG conference and school on the inner magnetosphere, March 8-12, 2021, Nagoya, Japan. (Oral contribution, p.16)
Research Assistant (2020- present)
Istanbul Technical University, Department of Meteorological Engineering, Istanbul, Turkey
• Researcher for projects, teaching assistant for the lectures such as Space Environment, Physics of Upper Atmosphere and Introduction to Planetary Atmospheres.
Researcher (2018-present)
ITU Upper Atmosphere and Space Weather Laboratory, Istanbul, Turkey
• Space weather forecast
• Observations of ionospheric Joule heating through measurements of spacecraft data
• Plasma measurement and instrumentation (Langmuir probes, electic probes)
• Magnetospheric MHD modelling
Woman TV(11.2019-12.2019)
• Internship at meteorology department.
Artıbir Energy Inc. (09.2019-10.2019)
• Internship about wind and solar renewable energy.
Sabiha Gökçen International Airport General Directorate of Meteorology Aviation (08.2019-09.2019)
• Internship about meteorological observation, analysis and reporting at General Directorate of Meteorology.
Cnk Aerospace (09.2018-10.2018)
• Internship about processing and production of aircrafts.
Summer Schools
First Summer School on Space Research, Technology and Applications, National Astronomical Observatory, Rozhen, Bulgaria (July 2021 - Online Student Participant)
​Topics of the summer school:
I. FUNDAMENTAL RESEARCH (Astrophysics and Cosmology / Sun and Space Weather)
II. AEROSPACE TECHNOLOGIES (Scientific instruments and payloads)
III. SPACE-RELATED METHODS AND APPLICATIONS (Earth Observations / Machine learning methods in physics and astronomy)
University Teams
Istanbul Technical University High Altitude Balloon Team (ITUHAB)
(2016 - 2020) – Science/Graphic Design Team Leader
(2020 - 2021) – Team Leader
Courses and Seminars
09.2021 XVIIth Hvar Astrophysical Colloquium – Hvar Observatory, Croatia (Online Participant)
08.2021 IAGA-IASPEI 2021 - CSIR /National Geophysical Research Institute, India (Online Participant)
07.2021 The Geospace Environment Modeling (GEM) Virtual Workshop – NSF/Division of Atmospheric Sciences, US (Online Participant)
07.2021 Iberian Space Science Summer School – University of Coimbra, Portugal & University of Alcalá, Spain (Online Attendee)
07.2021 First Summer School on Space Research, Technology and Applications - National Astronomical Observatory, Rozhen, Bulgaria (Online Student Participant)
05.2021 24-26 May SolFER 2021 Spring Meeting – NASA/SolFER (Online Attendee)
05.2021 5-7 May Heliophysics 2050 Workshop – USRA/Lunar and Planetary Institute (Online Attendee)
03.2021 The 3rd ISEE Symposium PWING-ERG conference and school on the inner magnetosphere - Nagoya University/ISEE – (Online Participant)
11.2018 SOLIDWORKS 2019 – TEKYAZ Software for Machinery (Attendee/40 hours)
11.2017 8th Atmospheric Sciences Symposium – Ä°stanbul Technical University (Attendee&Organization)
07.2017 4th Turkey Climate Change Congress – Water Foundation, ITU, Medipol University (Attendee&Organization)
03.2017 7th Clean Energy Days – Ä°stanbul Technical University (Attendee)
10.2016 10th International Clean Energy Symposium – Ä°stanbul Technical University (Attendee&Organization)