Sunspot Observations using Meade LS 8" Telescope and Solarscope
Observations of the Sun, mainly the observations of the sunspots on the Sun's photosphere, via a telescope and a solarscope have recently started which will be published on a daily basis from this web site. Contact the lab via the message box below to request archived Solar images.
UASWLab also carries out sunspot observations once every year. The observations are mainly for educational purposes, but are also open to public participation. Please refer to the gallery for previous, yearly sunspot watch activities. (2017 2016 2015)
Observations are carried out using a solarscope and MEADE LS 8' ACF F/10 Light Switch telescope equipped with a white light filter.
The tilt between the space based SDO's images and our telescope and solarscope images are due to our location on Earth and Earth's axial tilt. We are using an alt/az mount sytem which makes our images ~40 degrees shifted in xy plane wrt SDO's images. SDO images are served such that Sun's north pole is at the top and south pole is at the bottom of the image. Please note that the directions of east and west are reverse on the sun; meaning east is the west and west is the east with respect to Earth.

Sunspot Observations on 18-10-2017
Lat: 41°6'1.20" N Long: 29°1'43.71" E
Solar Dynamics Observatory - SDO

Image Archive

Observer Comment for 18-10-2017:
There are no visible spots on the sun today. Solar activity is expected to remain low at these days.