Topic: ITU UASWL - JGR Club #1 - "Dynamic Auroral Phenomena"- Res.Asst.Prof. Doğacan Su Öztürk
Date: 29 March 2022 / 12:30 - 13:30 (GMT+3)
ITU UASWL Journal Club is back! Last week, on 29 March 2022, we organised our first in-person JGR Club after a long Covid-19 break. As our first speaker, Res. Assist. Prof. Doğacan Su Öztürk from Geophysical Institute of University Alaska Fairbanks presented "Dynamical Auroral Phenomena". You can access to the presentation record below.

Res. Asst. Pelin Erdemir Meteorological Engineering
Faculty of Aeronautics and Astronautics, ITU