Nowcast and Forecast for May 18, 2020
Past Events Within the last two weeks, the solar activity was at very quiet levels. There have been no sunspots or active regions since...

Nowcast and Forecast for May 4, 2020
Past Events Solar activity was at low levels within the last week. New sunspots groups and active regions, AR2761, AR2762 and AR2763,...

Nowcast and Forecast for April 27, 2020
Past Events Since our last forecast the solar activity was at low levels. Even though the new active regions and sunspots emerged from...

Nowcast and Forecast for March 23, 2020
Past Events Within the last few weeks, solar activity was at low levels. Two relatively significant CMEs were observed on 20 and 21 of...

Nowcast and Forecast for March 5, 2020
Past Events Within the last two weeks, solar activity remained at low levels. Eventhough several CME's were observed, only two of them...