Nowcast and Forecast for March 24, 2022
Solar activity was at low levels within the last 24 hours. There were 27 sunspots with 5 active regions on the visible disk. There were...

Nowcast and Forecast for March 17, 2022
Last Week Solar activity was at moderate levels in the last week. There were 8 C-type CMEs yet most of them were not Earth-directed....

Nowcast and Forecast for March 10, 2022
Solar activity was at low levels within the last 24 hours. There were 89 sunspots on the visible disk with 10 active regions. Yet, there...

Nowcast and Forecast for March 3, 2022
Solar activity was at quiet to moderate levels within the last 24 hours. Two flares were observed from two different active regions...

Summary for February 2022
The solar activity was at high levels in February. There were 4 M-class and 10 C-class flares, 17 C-type CMEs, and 1 R-type CME!...