A two-days workshop on “Machine Learning with Python for Space Weather Applications” will be organized by the Upper Atmosphere and Space Weather Laboratory. The preliminary information and program about the course are given below.
How: Hybrid: In person (limited to 15 person) and Online using Zoom
Place: İTÜ, Faculty of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Department of Meteorology, Upper Atmosphere and
Space Weather Laboratory, Room:D-320
Dates: 11-12 May 2022, 09:00-17:00
Tentative Program
11 May 2022 09:00-12:00 Introduction to Python Packages (Python Paketlerine Giris)
11 May 2022 14:00-17:00 Regression Techniques (Regresyon teknikleri)
12 May 2022 09:00-12:00 Classification and Clustering Techniques (Sınıflandırma ve Kümeleme Teknikleri)
12 May 2022 14:00-15:30 Neural Networks Tekniques (Sinir Ağları teknikleri)
12 May 2022 15:30-17:00 Hands on Applications in Space Weather (Uzay Havası uygulamaları)
To determine the preliminary number of participants, please sign in the Google Sheet (see link below) if
you plan to attend. In-person participation is limited to 15 and will be determined first-come-first-served
basis on the Google Sheet registration. Bring your own computer if you are planning to attend in person.
A certificate to those attended in-person is planned to be distributed at the end of the course. However,
the course material is open for everyone participated the course.
**Further announcements may be followed at our web site: http://www.spaceweatherlab.itu.edu.tr/
**COVID rules will be applied in in-person participation.
Google Forms Registration: