AR12740 were strong for the last few days but since it has started to lose its strength, the strongest flare was a C6.9 which peaked at 05:51UTC on 9 May and the rest of the flares were just B-Class flares for the last 24 hours. Sudden increases were observed this morning in solar wind speed, density, dynamic pressure and magnetic field strength. While the reason of these increases remain unclear, it is expected to remain low levels..
The Kp level has not reached 2, which indicates that there were no geomagnetic storms. AE values also indicates no substorm.
F10.7 is 75 sfu, which is usual during solar minimum.
Forecaster: Ezgi Gülay
Undergraduate Student
Faculty of Aeronautics and Astronautics, ITU
Supervisor: Dr. Emine Ceren Kalafatoğlu Eyigüler