Nowcast and Forecast for August 11, 2017
Solar activity (CMEs and flares) was at very low levels today. There were no solar flares and Earth directed CMEs observed. The average...

Nowcast and Forecast for August 10, 2017
Solar activity (CMEs and flares) was at very low levels today. There were no solar flares and Earth directed CMEs observed. The average...

Nowcast and Forecast for August 9, 2017
Solar activity (CMEs and flares) was at very low levels today. There were no solar flares observed. The average values for solar wind...

Nowcast and Forecast for August 8, 2017
Solar activity (CMEs and flares) was at very low levels today. Solar wind density, velocity and temperature are around the average levels...

Nowcast and Forecast for August 4, 2017
Solar activity (CMEs and flares) was at low levels today. Solar wind speed is steadily increasing due to the high speed stream (HSS)...