Solar activity (CMEs and flares) was at very low levels today. Solar wind density, velocity and temperature are around the average levels .
Geomagnetic indices also don't point out to any geomagnetic activity.
ASSA model gives a probability of 10% for C and 1% for M level flares. X level flares are not expected.
Electron flux at GOES with energies greater than 2 MeV exceeded 1000 particles/(cm2 s sr) and electron flux with energies greater than 0.8 MeV did't exceed 10^5 particles/(cm2 s sr) over the past 24 hours which indicated that there was no alert for spacecraft surface charging. (iSWA)
Proton flux at GOES with energies greater than 10 MeV and 100 MeV didn't reach or exceed flux levels 10 pfu and 1pfu, respectively. That means, there was no Solar Proton Event alert for spacecrafts. (pfu: proton flux unit: #/(cm^2*sec)) (iSWA)
There is a data gap in minimum magnetopause standoff distance for the current day. (iSWA)
Disclaimer: This analysis is a preliminary product and should be interpreted and used accordingly