Forecast for May 9, 2019
Withing the last week, there were 8 CME's but none of them were Earth-directed. However the CME observed on May 6 may have an impact on...

What should we expect? Let's have a look at the forecast!
Two CME's were observed on May 1st, but according to Stereo-A and SOHO observations, none of them were Earth-directed. The source...
Forecasts are temporarily on hold due to system maintenance.
Forecasts are temporarily on hold due to system maintenance. For more information contact UASW-Lab personally. #nowcast #forecast

Forecast for November 6, 2017
ASSA model gives a probability of 6% for C class, %1 for M class flares. X class flares are not expected. There were no Earth-directed...

Forecast for October 30, 2017
ASSA model gives a probability of 12% for C class, %2 for M class flares. X class flares are not expected. There were no Earth-directed...