Nowcast and Forecast for January 28, 2022
What Happened in January? The first half of January was relatively quiet, yet the solar activity increased especially after the 18th of...

Nowcast and Forecast for December 9, 2021
Last Week Within the last week, the solar activity was at low levels at the visible side of the Sun, yet the far side of the Sun was...

Nowcast and Forecast for December 3, 2021
Last week Since our last forecast on November 19, the Sun showed us again that it going towards solar maximum. There was 4 C type CMEs...

What Happened in November so far? Nowcast and forecast for November 19, 2021
The Sun was pretty active so far in November considering we are still far away from solar maximum. The month started with an...

We Are Back!
It has been more than a year since we published our lastest forecast. Before we continue our regular forecasts, we would like to give a...