We are back! Let's start with a nowcast!
There are no active regions and sunspots on the Sun today. Solar activity is at low levels. Within the past 24 hours: solar wind speed...
Forecasts are temporarily on hold due to system maintenance.
Forecasts are temporarily on hold due to system maintenance. For more information contact UASW-Lab personally. #nowcast #forecast

Nowcast for November 6, 2017
Solar activity (CMEs and flares) was at low levels today. There were no Earth directed CMEs. The average values for solar wind density,...

Nowcast for October 30, 2017
Solar activity (CMEs and flares) was at low levels today. There were no Earth directed CMEs. The average values for solar wind density,...

Nowcast for October 23, 2017
Solar activity (CMEs and flares) was at low levels today. There were no Earth directed CMEs. The average values for solar wind density,...